<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" errorPage="" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="java.io.*" %> <%@ page import="java.lang.*" %> logged in to the Vault <% String filePath="your destination directory goes here/"; String fname=""; String[] argSet1=null; FileWriter fwOut=null; String lineBuf="no content"; String lineIn=""; String userName=""; boolean formEntry=false; int MAXLENGTH=5000; boolean newAccountState=true; String statusLine="no login"; if (request.getContentLength() <% } } //end if existing account if (request.getParameterValues("savePath")!=null) { // must be saving data to server newAccountState=false; argSet1= request.getParameterValues("savePath"); fname=argSet1[0]; formEntry=true; if (request.getParameterValues("text")!=null) { argSet1= request.getParameterValues("text");; lineBuf=argSet1[0]; try{ fwOut=new FileWriter(filePath+fname+".ext"); BufferedWriter lineOut = new BufferedWriter(fwOut); lineOut.write(lineBuf); lineOut.flush(); lineOut.close(); statusLine="data saved for "+fname; }catch (Exception e){ formEntry=false; statusLine="file save error for "+filePath+fname; } } } if(newAccountState){ try{ BufferedReader isTest = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath+fname+".ext")); // if there was not an exception, file/account exists...alert and try again %> <% }catch (Exception e){ // 'good' exception...could not open file...go ahead and create a new one } try{ fwOut=new FileWriter(filePath+fname+".ext"); BufferedWriter lineOut = new BufferedWriter(fwOut); lineOut.write("pwProtectfile for "+userName+" >> \n"); lineOut.flush(); lineOut.close(); statusLine="created new account for "+userName; }catch (Exception e){ formEntry=false; statusLine="new account creation error for "+filePath+fname+" please email pwp@datacorner.com"; } } } if (!formEntry) statusLine=("formEntry false >> ")+fname; %>